Getting Involved

Join the Representatives of Bay and Arenac Counties as a way to get involved.

BABH Consumer Advisory Councils

Bay-Arenac Behavioral Health Representatives of Bay and Arenac Counties are teams of people who provide the agency with input, suggestions, and feedback on services, policies and procedures. The Councils also aid in development of materials and special projects for information, community awareness, and outreach.

Why should I be involved in Representatives?

We want to know what you think.  It’s an opportunity for you to talk with us, and

    • Discuss your challenges.
  • Help us find ways to meet the needs of families who live with mental illness, emotional distress, or developmental disabilities.
  • Work with us to reduce stigma in the community.
  • Enjoy social support and refreshments with others who share your needs.

Who is a Representatives Member, and what will I do?

BABH Representatives teams are comprised of volunteers who are currently receiving services from Bay-Arenac Behavioral Health in any of our service areas in Bay or Arenac counties. Each Representatives team meets regularly and reviews service information for feedback to the Board administration.

Want to learn more?  Want to join?

Contact Customer Services at 1-888-482-8269.

or email us:

We need your help.  Will you join us?